Friday, August 30, 2013

About me!

Hello! My name is Nicole Douglas.  I am a junior at THE Ohio State University studying Business Administration with a Marketing specialization. 

Where to start?  I grew up in Dublin, Ohio and have lived in Columbus my entire life.  Since I have always been a Buckeye, Ohio State was an easy decision for me.  I knew that OSU is an exceptional school with outstanding traditions but I was not prepared to fall in love with the university.  Coming to OSU has changed my life and is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

I am a part of the cheerleading team here at Ohio State.  The experience has been nothing short of extraordinary.  We cheer at football and basketball games and university functions.  I have had so much fun working with and getting to know my teammates and the university.  I love being able to experience OSU traditions firsthand.  I am typically pretty busy with cheerleading in the fall and winter but I still find time for other activities.  I am also a member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority.  My sorority is special to me because my mother and grandmother were both Thetas at Ohio State.  They have a lot of fun walking through the house with me and showing me their rooms and telling stories from when they were in school.  Having Theta in common has brought us closer as a family.  
I have just started getting into the grind of my major classes and I really enjoy them so far!  The professors in Fisher are very helpful and enthusiastic which creates a great learning environment.  This is the first time I can actually say I enjoy my classes.

This summer I had an incredible experience as a marketing intern at Cardinal Health.  I worked for the Retail Independent Marketing Team, whose main customers are independent pharmacists.  My team helps plan the annual Retail Business Conference for independent pharmacy owners and I was lucky to be a part of this group.  I assisted in the creation and was the main consultant of the mobile event app for RBC.  Now I know this isn’t exactly a marketer’s field but I loved working with the mobile app.  I added and organized all of the information into the mobile app through a third party company and tested the features on multiple devices.  It was a difficult project that presented a ton of challenges that we found ways to work through.  I also worked with our sponsors.  RBC has about $400,000 in sponsorships that needed to be managed.  I was responsible for keeping track of these sponsorships and assuring that they were being fulfilled.  I ordered and collected the artwork for the sponsors and allocated the art to the appropriate people in order to have the pieces created.  I got to see all of my work come to life at the Retail Business Conference in Seattle early this August.  We worked there for about a week making sure the conference ran as smoothly as possible.  All of the sponsorship pieces and signage that I put into production were at the conference; about 2,500 customers downloaded and utilized the mobile app.  As an intern it is rare to see your work affect anyone and I was amazed that my hard work actually contributed to something.  Although the days were long, it was an unbelievable experience.  I only worked at Cardinal Health for 12 weeks and I can say that I became an entirely new person after my experience there.  It is amazing what can happen in a summer.
I am not entirely sure what I want to do with marketing yet.  I know that I am not the creative type, so I will not be developing advertisements.  I guess it’s helpful to know what you don’t want to do.  I am starting to consider sales a little more because I know that I can talk up something if I am passionate about it.  That is the trick.  I can’t go out and sell things like staplers or Cut-Co knives.  I want to sell something that can and will improve my customer’s life.  I can’t lie and push a product I don’t believe in.  I am a very honest person and I feel that I can be most effective when trying to sell something I wholeheartedly believe in.  I can talk to someone for hours about Ohio State or Cardinal Health and all these organizations have to offer and that is because I am passionate about them.

Wow I apologize about the length of this post.  This is me in a nutshell!