Monday, November 4, 2013


For this assignment I chose to ask a senior member of my cheerleading team.  I chose this person because she has seen my leadership grow since freshman year.  She gave me both constructive and positive feedback.

She said that I have always done a good job of leading by example.  Ever since my first year on the team, I have tried to do what is instructed and followed the objectives of the team.  She noticed that as an upperclassmen I have been spending more time with the new members on the team in order to help them improve.  This is something that I have been striving to do not only in cheerleading, but in any situation.  I want the new members to feel welcome and know that they can always seek help from their peers.  I know what it's like to be bullied by and scared of leaders and I have always tried to make sure new members to an organization do not feel that way.

For constructive feedback, she said that I can sometimes be passive and avoid asserting my opinion to leadership and coaches.  I have noticed this about myself.  Now that I have been around the block, my opinion can actually be constructive and I think that I can do a better job at voicing my thoughts.  She commented on how I do not exude a lot of confidence in some situations that I could contribute to.

I was definitely nervous to do this assignment because it is hard to be vulnerable with someone, and ask them to be honest with you.  It was hard for me, but I imagine it was also hard for my teammate because she had to be upfront with me.  I was anxious to hear back from her, but I think it was very helpful.  It feels nice to have someone appreciate something that I have been consciously working towards, like making the new members feel welcome.  It is also eye opening to discover positive and negative things about my leadership style.  I am glad we did this assignment because it has made me more aware of how others on my team, and in my life, see me.


  1. I think it is great that you strive to create a welcoming environment for the new members of the cheerleading team. It is even better that you strive to do this in any situation. I am sure that the new members of the cheerleading team will be very happy and flattered to be welcomed with open arms. Like you, I know what it feels like to be victimized by older members of a group or organization because I have personally experienced it. From my own experiences, I have found that the older members often feel that they have to bully and torment the new members as a way of initiating them into the group. It seems to me that older members of groups or organizations view bullying the new members as a rite of passage on the route to becoming a veteran member of the group. I, like you, think this is completely wrong and should not be tolerated. I recall a saying that was often found on posters that my teachers in elementary school would have hanging on the wall in the classroom: "What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular." I commend you for doing what you know is right even though it may be hard. Good for you! Continue to stand up for what you believe in. Others will notice it, and they will respect you for it; it is obvious that your colleague on the cheerleading team has, and, in turn, she thinks very highly of you.

  2. It's great that you actively try to help the freshman on your team because it obviously must be very intimidating for them, and you are such a friendly person that I'm sure they would come to you for advice/help. It is definitely eye opening to realize that others see things about ourselves that we necessarily don't think they do. I think you will be a great leader your senior year on the team. You seem like just such a positive person who easily works well with others.

  3. I think it's really cool that you make an effort to make your freshman teammates feel more welcomed. I've been in many situations where senior members made me feel inferior to them. It means so much when an upperclassman reaches out to me as a freshman. It really does make all the difference. And I'm exactly the same way when it comes to voicing my opinion and lacking confidence. That's something I need to work on. It seems like you're helping to build confidence in your teammates, so you should have confidence in yourself! :)
