Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Personality and Mission Statement

My personality type: ENFJ
Extrovert 44%
Intuitive 12%
Feeling 12%
Judging 78%

I feel that this assessment is pretty accurate.  I am definitely an extrovert in the way that I like to keep a wide group of acquaintances, however I do enjoy my alone time every once in a while.  Ever since I was a child I liked to be alone in my room after socializing.  I still do this even in college.  
I trust my intuition when evaluating a situation.  I understand others pretty well, so my gut feeling about them tends to be correct.Ignore warning
I am more of a feeler than a thinker, however, I try to use logic whenever possible.  I try to control how much my feelings guide me but they typically prevail.  I do prefer a logical explanation to any situation.
I had a very high percentage for judging over perceiving and this is very true.  I need to have all details before I can make a decision on anything.

1. Think about your gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, special abilities or disabilities, age, socioeconomic status, religion, birth order and any other influences that come to mind.  How have these factors influenced your personality and learning preferences?

The debate of whether personality is a product of one’s upbringing or genetics was very interesting to me in this chapter.  I think that a blend of nature and nurture made me the way that I am.  The most profound factor that has an influence on my personality and learning preferences is being a woman.  I tend to approach every situation with my emotions first and evaluate from there.  However, I do understand myself very well and I try my best to sort out emotions from logic so I can evaluate situations better. 
The way I was raised also has a large impact on my personality.  My parents were very easy going and allowed me to be independent.  I admire the way that they treated me as an equal and not as a subordinate so that I felt that my opinions and requests were valued.  Because of the way I was raised I am level headed and easy going as well.  It takes a LOT to get me fired up and it is hard for me to get angry at anyone because I just look at an issue from their perspective and at that point I can’t really be mad. 
Of course my age has an impact on my personality.  I am 20 years old so I am just rounding the corner of being a true adult.  I feel that I have grown exponentially in the last three years in college.  When I think back to how juvenile I was in high school, just three years ago, I shudder a little bit.  It is crazy how much one can grow in such a short amount of time.  I am beginning to understand the world around me, and acknowledging that there is a heck of a lot of things that I still do not know.  Perhaps the most liberating thing about growing older is realizing that the people around me have so much to worry about in their own lives that they do not care or pay attention to what I am doing.  As a teenager I thought that everyone was watching and judging me at all times and as I grow older I realize that no one really cares and it is a great feeling!  This realization has become another important factor in my personality because I feel that I am not ashamed to speak what I feel and do whatever makes me happy. 

2. Write your own personal mission statement. What is your purpose in life? What values are important to you? What do you want to be? What attributes and capabilities are important to you?

My mission is to be the best person I can be by loving those around me and accepting the qualities that make them unique.  I will strive to create happiness for the people in my life.  I will be the best I can be by challenging myself to be better than the day before.  I will help create a healthy working and living environment which encourages self-expression, questioning and perseverance.  I strive to be enthusiastic about life and create a balance between spending time with my family and being successful in the work world.

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