Tuesday, September 17, 2013

True Colors and MBTI

True Colors
I thought this assessment was very interesting because it is the first that has ever pinned me as a "problem solver."  When taking these tests my empathy and emotion tend to stand out the most.  With that being said, I do think that this is a pretty accurate portrayal of my thinking style.  I definitely like to look at the facts of a situation and make decisions that are backed up with reason and logic.  I have a variety of interests in the fact that I love reading random articles on the internet or learning little useless tidbits.  Small facts about the world interest me in that way and I like to have a knowledge of what's around me.  I can be a perfectionist at times.  My mom has always told me that "I am my biggest enemy" and that is true.  I have always been very hard on myself to be the best I can be and I think that stems from trying to be a perfectionist.  As I have said in previous posts, I approach every problem analytically.  Whether that problem is a fight with friends or deciding what shampoo to buy, I value logic over emotion.

My personality description is an ENFJ.  I think this is accurate as well, but this portrays more of my leadership and relational styles.  Again, every test I have ever taken has pinned me as an extrovert although I have always seen myself as an introvert.  As a kid I always had "alone time" after playing with friends and I still do this after a long day in college.  I do enjoy being around people and tend to get more energetic when I am surrounded by friends but I do think that I have some introverted qualities as well.  I agree that I use my intuition when I am looking at an issue over sensing what is going on.  What differs from this test is that I am a feeler versus a thinker where in the True Colors test I was a thinker.  I think that the context of each test definitely made an impact on what my results were.  The MBTI was more situational, where the True Colors was only words that described me.  It makes sense that these two differ and I have to say that I can be a thinker and a feeler at times.  I had a very large percentage for judging and I think that is very accurate.  I like to have order and I like for things to be planned out.  I am very busy on a regular basis and if I have to add something in to my schedule at the last minute I will stress about it.  However, if I have a free day I am happy to just go with the flow.

Overall, I think that these are accurate representations of my personality.  I know that my friends and family would agree with the MBTI approach more because those are qualities that are more easily seen.  I show my care for others and my empathy when I sob at every sad scene in a movie.  My "green" personality is not something that can be measured as easily because it is what is going on inside my head.  Also those who are close to me do not always have the pleasure of working with me in a school environment ;).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole! I was very glad to know that I'm not the only one who values logic in decision making. I almost never make a decision based on a whim or what sounds cooler or what other people are doing. I always seek out the facts and figures and try to deduce a solid reason based on this information instead. I honestly thought I was one of the very few people who do this, so I was glad to hear that you're very similar! It seems to me like you probably diffuse a lot of fights and situations where your friends get upset over nothing and fight over petty issues. It was really cool getting to know another crazy person better!
